We need your help to keep the B-29s site online. Jim Doppelhammer, our longtime webhost, has passed away and his webserver will go offline in 2025. The entire Korean War Educator website must be migrated to a modern server platform before then. If you value this resource and want to honor our veterans by keeping their stories online after 2024, please donate now. For more information, click here.

The SB-29s depicted on this page were assigned to the 2nd Air Rescue Sqdn, Flight D, Kadena, AFB, Okinawa, circa April 1952
. . . supplied by Dewey Thomas.

Photos copyrighted 2001 by Dewey Thomas

   Take-off sequence (below) shows how the B-29 main landing gear would sometimes lift off before the airplane seemed ready to fly.  Fully loaded, the B-29 was a real ground hugger. 

(Above) Crew Inspection prior to boarding.

  A normal engine start could often resemble a major flare up. 

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