We need your help to keep the B-29s site online. Jim Doppelhammer, our longtime webhost, has passed away and his webserver will go offline in 2025. The entire Korean War Educator website must be migrated to a modern server platform before then. If you value this resource and want to honor our veterans by keeping their stories online after 2024, please donate now. For more information, click here.

                    Updated 3/9/05                                                           Click Here to Return to Index

   Bud Farrell writes: “This marvelous picture of a 307th Bomb Wing ship by Sam Adams captures the essence of preflighting by gunners on engine stands, pressure checking engines from inside the nacelle of #1 engine, through #4 … after having preflighted the turret system and armed the guns … 4 –50s pointing skyward, the upper aft escape hatch open, the putt-putt running (can you hear it?) … to turn the engines for throttle and mixture control positions and for fuel pressure leaks … the calm before the storm … The East  China Sea on the horizon, waiting!  Namsi beyond!”    Bud’s book, NO SWEAT, is available from AuthorHouse (click)

To see the left gunner’s “office,” <click here>

For a Mission View of 44-27347, <click here>


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