We need your help to keep the B-29s site online. Jim Doppelhammer, our longtime webhost, has passed away and his webserver will go offline in 2025. The entire Korean War Educator website must be migrated to a modern server platform before then. If you value this resource and want to honor our veterans by keeping their stories online after 2024, please donate now. For more information, click here.

56th Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron

        Ed Stringer wrote, "I was stationed at Yokota AFB, Japan from May until Nov. '52. My 56th Reconnaissance Squadron flew WB-29s on daily missions over Korea to collect  weather data for the bomber raids.  Our secondary mission was to fly into the eye of typhoons in the Pacific Ocean."  Ed pointed out that the B-29 top and bottom turrets were removed from the WB version and replaced with a "box" on the top of the fuselage.