My crew the morning we took off for the states after completing
our Korean War tour.
Front Row, left to right
Aircraft Commander: Lt. Don B. Thompson, Kansas City,
Missouri; Pilot: Me; Navigator: Lt. Wesley W. Rogers,
Waco Texas; Bombardier: Lt. Charles J. Darkins, Joliet,
Illinois; Radar: Lt. Hershel L. Davenport, Las Cruces, N. M.
Rear Row, left to right
Flight Engineer: T/Sgt. James A. Sexton, Elkhart, Indiana;
Radio: S/Sgt. Donald A. Brooks, Monterville, W. Va.;
Central Fire Controller: T/Sgt. Arch Deulley, Middlebourne,
W. Va.; Gunner: Cpl. John McLeod, Pontiac, Mich.;
Gunner: Cpl. Bobby Harris, Alabama City, Alabama; Tail
Gunner: Cpl. Edward F. Ryan, Cannon Falls, Minn.
you have any updated information on above listed crew members,
e-mail me using procedure on Index Page.
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