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Updated 24 October 2002                                                              Click Here to Return to the Main Index

  My crew the morning we took off for the states after completing our Korean War tour.
Front Row, left to right
Aircraft Commander: Lt. Don B. Thompson, Kansas City, Missouri; Pilot: Me; Navigator: Lt. Wesley W. Rogers,
Waco Texas; Bombardier: Lt. Charles J. Darkins, Joliet, Illinois; Radar: Lt. Hershel L. Davenport, Las Cruces, N. M.
Rear Row, left to right
Flight Engineer: T/Sgt. James A. Sexton, Elkhart, Indiana; Radio: S/Sgt. Donald A. Brooks, Monterville, W. Va.;
Central Fire Controller: T/Sgt. Arch Deulley, Middlebourne, W. Va.; Gunner: Cpl. John McLeod, Pontiac, Mich.;
Gunner: Cpl. Bobby Harris, Alabama City, Alabama; Tail Gunner: Cpl. Edward F. Ryan, Cannon Falls, Minn. 

If you have any updated information on above listed crew members,
please e-mail me using procedure on Index Page.
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