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                  B-29 FACTS  [This beautiful and accurately detailed model of Command Decision is the work of Christoph Erkens.  For Pictures of the Completed Model and How it was Constructed, CLICK HERE]
      Crew Stations (click for interior views)

           Forward Pressurized Compartment
1. Bombardier.  Also acted as nose gunner when aircraft was under fighter attack.
2. Aircraft Commander.  In modern U. S. aircraft, the chief rides in the left seat.
3. Pilot.  A.K.A. co-pilot.
4. Flight Engineer.  Rode backwards behind the pilot facing his instrument panel
5. Navigator.  To the left of the forward turrets.  Had window & bubble to shoot the stars.
6. Radio Operator.  Cramped behind turret without a window.  Not for the claustrophobic.

   Rear Pressurized Compartment (connected to forward pressurized compartment by tunnel (B) over bomb bay)
7. Left Scanner.  A.K.A. Left Gunner   <click> to see & learn about gun sight.
8. Right Scanner.  A.K.A. Right Gunner
9. Central Fire Controller.  Rode in the “barber chair” between left and right gunners and coordinated firing the remotely controlled guns.
10. Radar Operator.  His only outside view was a radar screen.

    Tail Gunner’s Pressurized Compartment
11. Tail Gunner.  Rode facing aft in his separate compartment.  Also operated C, putt-putt (power unit) .

      Little Known B-29 Factoid <click>

A. Tail Skid: Designed to punish poor co-pilots who had to buy the crew a case of beer whenever he scraped it while landing.  The tail gunner was responsible for keeping fresh paint on the skid.  Glenn Garig recalls: "The A/C gave me the landing at Hickam.  Seems like I recall coming across the channel at the end of the runway and really wanted to show off with a squeaker.  I did get the nose pretty high in the air, with a good touch down.  I still feel all the tail gunners carried a file in their bag.  It cost me a case, but they let me help them dispose of it, so we all went away happy." 
B. Pressurized Tunnel:  Connected front & aft-pressurized crew compartments above the bomb bays.  Had to be crawled through.  If you wanted to keep your own parachute, you had to drag it behind you.  Spares chest packs were usually kept near both ends of the tunnel.  The big danger was explosive depressurization in either compartment.  If that happened, the tunnel suddenly became a cannon and your body the cannon shell.
C. Putt-Putt: A.K. A. Auxiliary Power Unit.  Supplied power to all the ship's systems for preflight and maintenance.  Sounded more like a lawn mower than a power unit.

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