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B-29s in the Korean War

contributors  &  dedications

124 Contributors                                            Updated: 2/3/2014

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  Adair, Robert: Photos & Commentary – Dedicated to his grandfather, who flew with the 307BW, 370BS. 


  Amthor, Bill:  Color Photos taken by George Amthor, 19BG.


  Bard, James:  Commentary - Captain, USAF, Retired - Secretary, 91st SRW Association


  Bass, Jack: Photos & Commentary- 22BG-33BS,


  Bergman, Bruce: Commentary


  Birch, Don: Commentary - Bombardier - 19BG-30BS - Cream of the Crop


  Bringsauf, Walter: Commentary - 19BG–28BS - Top of the Mark


  Bright, Jeff: Photos & Commentary - Dedicated to his father, Lt. William Bright, Aircraft Commander, 3ARS


  Brunell, Lee: Photos & Commentary


  Burgy, Mike: Photos – Dedicated to his father, MSgt. Delbert Burgy, 98BG Maintenance.


  Burney, Luther: Photos & Commentary –Dedicated to his father, B-29 A/C with 22BG, Lt. Col. Luther Henry Burney (D), DFC, AM /w silver oak


  Carlson, J. C: Photos & Commentary


  Carman, Glenn: Photos


  Chance, Jim: Commentary – 98BG-344BS - Ground Crewman – Lady in Dis-Dress


 Christie, Todd: Photos & Commentary – Dedicated to his father, B-29 CFC, Robert E. Christie


  Clark, Jo: Photos & Commentary


  Colvin, Bill: Photo - Commentary - Kimpo AB, Korea


  Comeau, Kim: Photos & Commentary -  Castle Air Museum (Merced, CA) - Raz 'N Hell 


  Crevisour, Robert “Bob”: Photos & Commentary – Kadena Crash Crew


  Crowder, Lee: Photos


  De Voe, Bill: Photos & Commentary – Crew Chief -  54WRS – Snoopy Droopy (no email)


  Dickerson, Paul (D): Photos & Commentary – Gunner - 307BW- 372BS – Black Tuesday Mission – Dedicated to Paul’s memory.


  Dombroski, Chester “Chet”: Photos & Commentary –  Engine Mech - 91st & 6091st - The U.S. Mule


  Dorr, Robert “Bob”: Commentary


  Duquette, John: Charts & Technical Data


  Durham, Clyde: Photos & Commentary [Linked] – Gunner – 19BG–28BS - Top of the Mark


   Dyslin, Robert: Commentary


  Eckenroth, Lawrence: Photos & Commentary – Father (deceased), Doyle J. Eckenroth  was a ground crewman on "Touch and Go"


  Eisemann, Bruce: Photo


  Erkens, Christoph: Models, Photos & Commentary


  Fair, Jim: Photos & Commentary


  Farrell, Frank “Bud”: Photos & Commentary [Linked] – Gunner - 19BG, 93BS - No Sweat


  Fitz-Patrick, Edward: Photos & Commentary – Gunner – 98BG-343BS – T.D.Y. Widow, Miss Tampa-X


  Fogle, Marty: Photo & Commentary -- Miss Jackie the Rebel


  Fontaine, Cheryl: Commentary – Typhoon Goon – Father, MSGT Edward H. Fontaine, was radio operator on Typhoon Goon's last flight.


  Foster, Heather: Commentary - No Name 2


  Foster, Jim (D): Photos & Commentary – Copilot - 19BG, 28BS – Lemon Drop Kid


  Frank, Jim: Photos - 19BG, 30BS


 Gaddes, Bill: Photos & Commentary – Tail gunner (only gunner) -  512-56WRS – 10/50 –5/52 – Flew in all 16 unit acft.


 Galligan, Frank: Photos & Commentary – Radar Maint - 19BG (no email)


 Garig, Glenn: Photos & Commentary - Co-pilot, 19BG, 28BS - Dedicated to the memory of Capt. Moberly, A/C of the crew of Hot to Go


 Googins, Dan: Commentary


  Hall, Dave: Photos


  Hall, Milt: Photos (no email)


  Hallock, Don: Commentary – 98BG-345BS - Chief Mac’s 10 Little Indians


  Hanvey, Larry: Photos & Commentary – Tail Gunner - 98BG-345BS –Loaded Lady


  Harper, Herb: Photos & Commentary [Link] – 98BG


  Harris, Bob: Videos, Photos & Commentary - 19BG-28BS - Crew Chief & Artist - Cat Girl


  Hembree, Wayne: Photos & Commentary – Right gunner 98BG on Peek of Perfection.


  Hopkins, Michael: Photos and Commentary – Dyin' Duck - Dedicated to his father.


  Hoxie, Lance: Commentary – Hoxie's Hoax – Dedicated to his father, B/Gen Thomas B Hoxie


  Hoxie, Shannon: Commentary – Hoxie's Hoax – Dedicated to his father, B/Gen Thomas B Hoxie


  Johnson, Donald – Yokota AFB (1951-1954) – Flack Shack


  Johnson, Mark: Photos & Commentary – Dedicated to his father, SSgt Donald C. Johnson who was stationed at Kadena.


  Kalogeris, Ted: Photos & Commentary [Linked] – Dedicated to his father who was assigned to the 19BG, 28BS.


  Kieth, Loyd: Photos & Commentary -  Miss Jackie the Rebel – Crew Chief - 19BG, 30BS


  Kisser, Cynthia –  Photo Clippings - Dedicated to her father, SSgt. Kenneth E. Kisser, gunner on Baker Two, Black Tuesday Mission.


  Kloppenburg, Michael: Photo & Commentary – Night Affair


  Kourafas, Nick (D): Photos & Commentary – Bombardier - 307BW- 371BS – Black Tuesday Mission


  Lacroix, Larry: Photos - (no email)


  Livengood, Ralph (D): Photos & Commentary – Navigator - 19BG, 30BS – April 12, 1951 Mission – Miss N.C.


  Maisel, Jim: Photos & Commentary - Dedicated to his father, John Maisel, 28BS ground crew member - Command Decision, c. 1952


  Mann, Bob: Photos, Commentary & Technical Data -


  Massie, Dale: Photos & Commentary - Dedicated to his father, Herbert W. "Bud" Massie, Radar Operator on Miss Yankee Doodle, 98th BG/345 BS, May-Dec 1951.


  Mayne, Bill: Photos & Commentary – Central Fire Controller – 98BG – Ready Willin Wanton


  Mayo, Wayland: Photos & Commentary [Linked] – Gunner – 91SRS – Tiger Lil


  McGill, Earl “Mac”:  Webmaster - Co-Pilot, 19BG-28BS - Dedicated to all B-29 flight and ground personnel who served in the Forgotten War.


  McElhiney, Daniel “Mac”: Photos – Dedicated to his father, Leroy Edward McElhiney, a 307BW-371BS gunner.


  McNeer, Charles: Photos – Tailgunner – 19BG-28BS - Outlaw


  Meier, Fredrick “Fred”: Photos & Commentary - Navigator - 307BW- 371BS – Black Tuesday Mission


  Miller, Rolland: Photos & Commentary – Gunner - 307BW- 371BS – Black Tuesday Mission


  Mitchell, Tom: Photos & Commentary [Linked]


  Moffett, M: Photos (no email)


  Morris, William “Glen” (D): Photos & Commentary - Gunner, 19BG-30BS - Bluetailfly.


  Moynagh, Ed: Photos & Commentary – 98BG


  Nelson, Max: Photos – Radar Operator – 98BG [Linked] - Dreamer & Every Man a Tiger


  Nesbitt, Kate: Photo & Commentary: Dedicated to her father, an aircraft commander and operations officer in the 98BG-344BS.


  Nicholas, Donald “Don”: Photos & Commentary


  Nist, Bill: Photos & Technical Data -  Dedicated to his father, who was in the 22BG, 19BS in 1950.


  O’Neal, Kevin: Commentary – So Tired [Linked] (no email)


  Overby, Jack: Photos & Commentary – Copilot – 19BG-30BS - Sure Thing


  Patterson, Lyle: Photos – CFC – 19BG-30BS – April 12, 1951 Mission – Miss N.C. (no e-mail)


  Perkins, Terrell: Photos


  Peters, Jim: Commentary - 92BG-325BS (no email)


  Petrovich, Eric: Photos & Commentary – Dedicated to his father, Donald “Pete” Petrovich, Gunner - 19BG-28BS –– South Sea Sinner


  Pittard, Dick: Photos & Commentary – Flight Engineer - 19BG-28BS - South Sea Sinner


  Queeno, Anthony “Tony: Photos & Commentary – Gunner, 19BG, 28BS - On last crew to fly Command Decision.


  Raney, Michael: Photos & Commentary – Dedicated to his grandfather, Billie Thornbrugh, CFC on Myakinas


  Reece, Wayne: Photos & Commentary - Secretary Treasurer, 92nd USAAF-USAF Memorial Association


  Rees, Chuck: Photos


  Reeter, Alan: Photos & Commentary – Dedicated to the memory of his father, William “Bill” Reeter, Silver Star recipient, Black Tuesday Mission.


  Richey, Jess: Photos & Commentary –


  Rucker, Ernest: Commentary – Dedicated to the memory of his father, Emmett Rucker Jr., Lt. Col. USAF, Aircraft Commander on Haulin' Ass, 12/51 – 11/52, later KIA in Viet Nam while flying C-123's in Operation Ranch Hand.


  Savko, Joe: Photos & Technical Data – B-29 Historian


  Scarano, Vincent: Commentary


  Sestak, Ray: Photos & Commentary


  Sewell, Stephen “Cookie”: Commentary – Korean War Historian


  Simms, Terri: Photos (no email)


  Sitton, Annette: Photo & Commentary


  Smisek: Commentary


  Smith, Colin: Commentary


  Strange, Nolan “Big Red” (D): Photos, Articles & Commentary - Dedicated to the memory of Lt. Col. Vance Black, 98BG, 345BS, Big Red’s first B-29 Aircraft  & Squadron Commander.   On 7 May 1951, While on a bombing mission in aircraft #44-86371, L/C Black was shot down by AAA over Pyongyang (KORWALD).  The crew of 44-6228 observed three (of four) parachutes (KORWALD).  His was the last one.  L/C Black was captured and, because of his burns, sent to China. He was interrogated by the Russians and later died of mistreatment, and starvation at the infamous North Korean POW camp called "Pak's Palace."


  Stringer, Ed: Photos & Commentary – Mechanic - 56SRS (Yokota)


  Strother, Dorothy: Commentary - Fifinella (no email)


  Styling, Mark: B-29 & Nose Art [Linked] – Aviation Artist


  Sullivan, Terry: Photo & Commentary - Dedicated to Terry’s father, T.M. Sullivan, a navigator on 44-62261- 98BG-344BS, Yokota, Japan, 1951-52.


  Szalay, John: Photos - B-29 researcher, son of  John Szalay  5th RCT  Korea 1950


  Taylor, Rod: Photos & Commentary – Dedicated to Rod’s father, Donald “Herk” Taylor - Aircraft Commander - 19BG-28BS - Razn’Hell (no email)


  Terrell, Tim: Commentary


  Thomas, Carl: Photos & Commentary - Dedicated to the memory of Carl’s father, a Radio Operator, 98BG-345BS on The Wanderer.


  Thomas, Dewey: Photos & Commentary – 2nd Air/Sea Rescue –


  Thompson, Ernest Lloyd "Tommy" (D): Commentary – CFC – 22BG-2BS


  Thompson, Lowell: Photos & Commentary.  Dedicated to Lowell's dad, Ernest Lloyd "Tommy" Thompson, CFC on 44-61693 for all 29 of his missions between 13 July 1950 and 19 October 1950 (his 27th birthday). 


  Thrash, John: Photos


  Truso, Dick: Photos & Commentary - Gunner - 98BG-344BS


  Turner, Dewell: Photos & Commentary – Gunner- 307BW-372BS -  Black Tuesday Mission


  Twombly, David – Photos & Commentary


  USAF Museum Archives: Photos & Commentary


  Velasco, Gary: Photos (no email)


  Voyles, Don: Photo (U.S. Mule) & Commentary


  Wade, Troy: Photos & Commentary - Dedicated to Troy’s father, Robert B. Wade, 98BG-345 BS, aircraft commander of The Reluctant Drag’on.


  Wagenhalls, John: Photos & Commentary – Navigator – 307BW-370BS -  Black Tuesday Mission


  Warnes, Ray: Photos (no email)


  Watson, Harold: Commentary – 98BG 345BS - Dyna Mite II (no email)


  Webb, Jim: Data & Commentary - 301AREFS


  Welch, William “Bill”: Photos & Commentary [Linked] (no email)


  Yarina, Jim: Model, Photos & Commentary: Dedicated to Jim's father, Michael J. Yarina, Flight Engineer, 307th Bomb Wing, 372nd Squadron, Capt. Robert Temple's crew. 1953-54


  Zampini, Diego: Photos & Commentary [Linked]


   Zieser, John: Photos & Commentary: Dedicated to his father, John Zieser, 98BG, VO on Stinger Queen.